Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Peace Memorial

after a rowdy night with blasting music... (those ang mo partying yest),I slept till 11+ it is a public holiday, initiatally we planned to continue our shopping but then evryone woke up late n v feel v lazy then in the end we stay in hostel the whole afternoon...eating cupnoodles for lunch...n sweeped n mopped the floor. Then we slack all the way until evening..and we suddendly remember that we can watch the sun set..coz we heard from the dean of international affairs that xi zi wan has the most beautiful sunset. So we brought our camera and went down to the bench outside our hostel. although a bit small the sun...but then it is really veri nice...just like the egg yolk in mooncake...n the sea scenery is realli veri beautiful...n v romantic... *浪漫*

me n xin rui....很美hor..
looks like we were lying down..but we are not~! haha

too bad we didnt get to see the sun set..cos it is covered by the clouds... oh my 天....讨厌! i muz make sure i will watch it again... 看不到就不回新加坡了...
since cant watch sun set...we entertain ourselves...haha...feet of F4...
then at night we 外带晚餐 n eat at our level common room...n watch tv... have our own party siaz lolz...but is a quiet one... n we like the 便當盒 very much... n is made of paper..can recycle... so ntu should adopt this idea too...heez...

then after dinner we acc xin rui back to her previous hostel (she just moved to international village) to take back her sport i have seen the hostel for taiwan 4 person share a room n the room is smaller than the room here, the international village...n the bed is on top of the study table... but then i find that it is alright ... although a bit old...but then is v cheap... i should have choose that..haha... then i can get to noe tw pple lolz... n also jap n korean... coz i just got to noe a korean fren...her name is 百善英...她是摄影系的..会说中文...说起中文的时后很可爱...因为不太流利所以有很多动作, 但我都明百她要说甚么... 然后她给我们看她学长帮她拍的照片(作业来的)...超美的..好像韩国名星(很会摆pose)...是真的喔~! 她又很会穿搭衣服..所以我们以经邀她做我们的型像顾问了..呵呵...
还有, 我隔壁房刚搬来了个日本人..太好了...叫左藤娜绪(dunnoe correct or not)...一定要跟她学日语哈哈...


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