Monday, February 12, 2007


I have made a big mistake at work... feeling so can I be so sotong n mix up wif the products...haiz...
The honey we are selling has two sizes: small one is 550g and the bigger bottle is 750g. N the thing is i actually thot the big bottle is 1kg all along...w/o realising it. then today i keep pushing the big bottle as it is cheaper. Then one of the customer had bought tt big bottle n after she left, i look at the bottle again then i realised that i have been saying the wrong thing to customer...argh`~~too late... I feel so guilty siaz...wat if she found out after that and feel cheated? but i am really 无心的...haiz... 怎麼辦...~!~!~??????

though anuty say nvm....but i still feel v bad... :<

then just now watched 娱樂百分百 funny...cheered me up a bit siaz... so next time 心情不好大家can go watch also k... really helps~~~~.

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