Monday, February 26, 2007


yest me, pl and the other 5 pple from ntu (finally get to see them~!) went to 旗津... it is v near to our sch ..just hav to take a ferry (ard 5 mins) across. we set off at ard 9 and walked towards the 碼頭 n the fare is onli NT$10. Actually a bit like pulau ubin in singapore...coz is like an island..of coz is bigger than ubin, and u can rent a bicycle, NT$100 (5 bucks) for whole day, n there is also a free tour guide to take u ard the island for 2 hours, explaining to u all history of certain buildings... there are many places of interest, like historical places such as 旗后天后宫 n 旗后炮台 , light tower (旗后燈塔), beaches, parks胞(海岸公園 和 風車公園) jetty, aquarium, etc... n along the main road there are also many bbq stalls such as 烤小卷 (squid) and seafoods stalls...too bad i cant take seafood haha... top left pic--> view taken from the ferry...高雄市...the tall building is the tallest building at 高雄..but i dunnoe the name haha... top right pic is the jetty where we alight.. n below is two of us took a pic wif xin rui on the ferry...v windy n v cold .. coz is in the morning...

this is taken at the 旗后炮台...can u see the seahorse beside me?? sooo nice...haha...actually the platform become this shape coz of the so amazing..the sea so so so so so beautiful...藍天白雲的...
let me sch 中山...haha is jsut opposite... on the mountain...

i was on the most top part of the 炮台...reaching the sky soon wahhaha.... n wearing shorts in winter... can u imagine lolz.... becoz the day before was so me n pl thou is hot tt day both of us wear shorts haha...who noes when night come is super windy n both of us keep shivering lolz..n the pple there keep looking at us when we walk past... thinkn we are realli '怪脚' haha...
more pics taken...the lady in blue is our tour guide...she is a v nice person ... n explained v clearly to us... n she say she is v happy to take us ard haha..

this is at 風車公園 taking out group photo.. from left to right are: wei yu, wan jun, jia xian, yi ping, xin rui, pl n behind is me... the 風車 on top are used to generate electicity in 旗津..using the wind...there are also many pple flying kites...

taken at the beach.... the sea is realli v nice... i love it ~! haha...realli is verybeautiful siaz~! n notice the sand is actually black colour.. but i dunnoe the reason for it...

this is the 星光遂道...on the ceiling there are luminuous pic on it..such as the horoscope... n when u clapped ur hand u can hear birds chirpping...n there are many stray dogs...n there are also many pet dogs as well... their owners are realli good to 幸福喔...n the pple there seem carefree siaz... 溜狗, 散步, 放風筝, 钓鱼 等等..真好~! there is also a 貝殻展視舘 is the largest in many species of shells... n they are categorized as 陆貝, 淡水貝 和海洋貝, 它們原来都是軟軆生物. 那 有些是有神經毒的 (叫芋螺, 倒挂三角型的), 不能碰. there are also rare species that survived for billions of years.. so interesting......
这些都是一個伯伯钓到的....那条很漂亮的鱼是有毒的...(神經毒) n he put back into the right is the puffer fish... not fully bloated haha ...n he say this one is not posionuous...


last group photo...n our tour guide...



碼頭 的夜景...回去喽....好累...騎了整天的脚車...脚都軟了哈哈~! 再见啦...有機会再回来heez.....

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