Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Day2 at taipei...

It rained in the morning....haiz... so we decided not to go zoo today le...sadded.... anyway we went to eat breakfast at a cafe near our hostel...n then took jie yun to 淡水 the last stop of the jie yun... just like boon lay station like tt...
then at first we dunnoe where can we go we asked the control centre officer (i name myself one haha) n she told us to go the 淡水老街..there got a lot of stalls selling foods n clothes n other stuffs...n the first stall we saw is 传說中的鐡蛋...haha... got many flavours...n we sampled the spicy one haha not bad... n we bought 2 packets ... one black pepper n the spicy flavour... ermz,... ks dun jealous ar wahhaa...

there is also a lot of 夹娃娃机here... is realli popular here siaz... n got many cute cute de soft toys... n i saw one machine is 晴天娃娃的..哈哈..too bad i am not pro if not will 夹 one for wl wahaha....
n then we walked to the jetty there... we can actually take ferry to the opp side to have seafood...but then we didnt lah... just stroll along the jetty loh... we bought the salty-fried mushroom haha v nice~!~!~

do u all find this place familiar?? i rem i saw it on tv b4...but dunnoe is 10 zhi lu kou or tw ou xiang ju... there is a cafe beside it also... anyone has any idea?? haha.... after that we went to 渔人碼頭...have to take a bus from dan shui...

3 of us took at 渔人碼頭...

this is the 情人橋...v huge.. n is named by president A-Bian on Valentine's Day 2003.... a v nice place... but v windy n cold... but i not sure the story of this bridge la ... haha.. maybe those hu noe can tell me heez...


after we left the yu ren ma tou, we went to taibei de takashimaya first haha... more or less the same as singapore lah... things there are ex loh... n most interesting is ... if u all work in taka b4 u will notice there is a taka song play at particular time of the day... n tw here de taka also play the same song.~! omg... just that here is nicer lolz... yuan lai this song is universal one wahaha...
after that we went to 士林夜市...v crowded ar... even it rained... coz maybe is hols...v difficult to walk through the crowd siaz..

I just bought a few things to eat ..shown in the pic la (erm the 串烧 nv buy).. onli the ji pa n my favourite ke li bing..then i order wrongly la... dun haf fillings inside one... will buy again next time... haha n then we realli cant stall the chou tou fu smell siaz... they are selling every few stalls away loh... so we hav to stop breathing every time we walk past.. n then got some time is we tio stuck n hav to stay in front of the stall omg... faintz...haha... i dun hav the courage to try leh.. maybe next time ba...there are also many games to play lah.. one of them is shoot ballons using the bbgun... this is v common leh .. everywhere also have..

we roughly walk one round then decided to go back le...nv buy anything also coz too many pple how to choose from the stalls... then the mrt station also... soo crowded.. n that is onli ard 830 pm..omg~!
we then went to 國光客運to buy advance tic to gao xiong... n on our way back we went to the k mall n shop... k mall should be familiar la coz many artists (eg. SHOW) always hold their autograph sessions there de... but then is not v big the place.. n v few shops inside onli... then at first we planned to walked back to out hostel one..but then cant find the road so in the end took cab back haha...

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