Thursday, February 1, 2007

'surprise' for jv lee @ 鼎泰丰

on tuesday we had planned a small small advanced 'surprise' bdae celebration for jv lee... planned to eat at 鼎泰丰 while waiting for wl, ali, jv, kt, bro n kw to finish sch, me n pl these 2 無业遊民decided to 自拍来打發時間... 可不可愛...??! 請别吐...lolz....~~

巧遇 kayan at marketplace..paragon..

ML4sis.... dunnoe when can gather again le... nvm but I will 珍惜 的...

猜猜他是誰.... 哈哈.. 為你們献上超大黑珍珠一颗...

an advanced happy bdae to JV lahz....抱歉意蛋糕有點小...

A final 全家福 that marks the end of the bdae surprise... haiz...but then tt bdae bo is onli a little bit touched... 心寒...

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