Tuesday, March 27, 2007


上個週末去了墾丁. 本來是打算去茂林的(在高雄縣)..不過剛好下雨, 而且獲知交通很不方便, 所以開車的司機建議我們去墾丁. 雖然打算夏天時才去的, 不過還是去了...很ENJOYABLE哦..~還是邊看照片邊說吧...

杷行李放在民宿後, 就抓緊時間出發了. 首先到了墾丁的國家公園, 那裡只有花草樹木...不過很大....走了好幾個小時呢...


在望海樓, 後面是的山叫貓頭鼻...像不像在纜車里...

過後晚餐去吃魯味, 好像蠻有名的..有很多報章報導...很好吃...他的辣椒..辣到說不出話來..

我們玩了三樣水上活動...香蕉船, 水上摩托車, 還有熱狗...全部S$30...不會很貴吧...
這是我覺得最刺激的.....一定要拉很緊...因為家顯他掉進海里..哈哈~! 中午到一家餐廳吃午餐....裡面有鋼琴...就借來拍一下...真想學啊...
頭髮很亂咧..不過重點是海中央..有太陽的反射..美....狗狗....可愛嗎...他會看鏡頭耶....我很喜歡的一張...the sea has 3 layers of blue....

最後到了峨巒鼻, 是台灣最南部的地方....also is a national park kind...a lot of trees n nice scenery...and the sea is soooo beautiful...
再見啦....很喜歡墾丁咧...回去沿海的路上我都沒睡著, 就是要看著大海和夕陽...實在是太美了....我知道4月有盛大的音樂會...春天要來囉....我要再去墾丁...~!~!~

Friday, March 23, 2007


today xin rui bought us to 打狗英國領事館...becoz me n peiling have not been to there yet..and always heard from them that is a nice place with nice night scenery..it is a historical place as well (二級古跡), located just ouside the main entrace of 中山, on a small hill. Before that me n pl met max at the main school entrance there to take photos haha...becoz maz wan to take pic of the sunset but then there was no sunest today as the sun is covered by clouds.But we still take some pics since we were alr there... the sea view is... very nice.. but is windy today...so a bit cold. And along the way we walked pass the stadium...wah...a lot of students inside, playing volleyball, baseball, basketball, and jogging....make me wanna go exercise as well~!

memoriable picz leh...

i like this pic very much...很有畫面對吧~! 這就是打狗英國領事館..是台灣的第一座洋樓...現在已經變成一個浪漫的餐廳以及文物館...
It really has a nice night view over the kaohsiung harbour, and having dinner there 真的很有情調.but then..the main courses, even the desserts there are quite expensive...so we just look around taking some pic and 參觀the museum beside the cafe...

a bit like hong kong 尖沙咀...

table beside a dome-shaped window....the style that i like...victorian style~~~ *picturing myself haveing dinner, using those porcelin 餐具..呵呵...*


我們在監獄迷宮里...裡面很矮的...跟不都不能夠站起來...視為了避免牢犯逃跑吧...而且裡面很小, 只一個小出口...很像狗洞欸...

flag of England...

and flag of Taiwan....
beside 打狗英國領事館there is a temple and in front of the temple has this 求簽machine. that is, when u put 10 dollar coin, the women (a doll) inside the machine will move towards to temple (the red building inside the glass box) and u have to make a wish while she is moving towards the temple. Then when she move out of the temple u will get the 簽... haiz...but think i got a下下簽..becoz the paper wrote is something like: if u wanna 求for career, marriage, moving house, or 財經, etc, all gave negative comments...(cannot tell wat i wished for lah haha )...so sad...although i know that cannot totally believe on that.
the 打狗英國領事館 is really a very nice place...esp for couples...so 罗曼蒂克...hope i can go there again one day...but is with my someone special...(0^_^0)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

dinner with the french~~

yesterday night we had an asian-french dinner gathering...it was actually organised by yiping's roommate, lucy (french), as she said that she would like to mix with the asians. So we dined at a food and beer resturant...which was recommanded by the french pple. The ambience there was nice...retro kind of decorations...
There were around 15 of us and the french suggested that we should sit in an alternate arrangement, one asian one french like that...so that we wun stick to each other...at first i got a bit scared that i have nottin to talk to them..and actually i feel quite stressed talking to them ..coz my english is not that good...and cant use singlish to talk to them, so I have to think carefully before i speak, in case they dont understand what i am talking...but luckily they turn out to be very nice people and i can actually get onto conversations with one french guy n girl, who sit on my two sides. so overall the dinner was quite good n i get to know them better...coz some of them i dont even see them before...and most of them have already study here for half a year...so they know about tw more than me~!

the girl beside me is matilda..her face is soo small...and she is very pretty~ the guy who sit beside me, he know xyz haha....and he have a tw gf here... and he start the conversation with me asking me if asian gers would want to know a guy for a very long time before getting together...coz in france they are not like that, if a guy likes a ger he would ask her straight away and maybe get tgt after a week or two. And if they cant get along then will break off...wow..
that is lucy, the organiser of yesterday's gathering...though i didnt get to talk to her...i find that she is very nice...realli thank her for that...(^0^)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

animal physiology lab

今天真是讓我對同學們五體投地的佩服....因為今天做的實驗是測試青蛙神經的action potential.所以當然是要解剖青蛙啦...驚驚勒...讓後教授都沒有解釋, 只是給助教講解一下, 就開始了. 同學們都很有經驗的樣子...每組的同學拿了知青蛙就開始實驗了. 原來他們大一就學解剖青蛙了(我們都沒這機會)...難怪他們, 就連女生, 一點都不怕.

今天的實驗首先是要用針來麻醉青蛙, 讓後再把它的坐骨神經挑出來. 怎麼麻醉青蛙...就是先按住青蛙的頭部, 讓後用針從頭部往下刺. 這樣它就會是去直覺了(有點像我在POLY事解剖金魚的步驟...但都是別人幫我刺的, 當時我還亂喊亂叫呢...丟臉~!). 麻醉的工作是由我們組的一位女生做的...我只能說他真的很強..一點也不會手軟. 而且它還一直跟青蛙說對不起和謝謝喔..好可愛~!
接著, 就開始剪開青蛙的皮跟肌肉, 拿開內臟, 找出那條神經來...真的花了好大的功夫才順利完成的..我做了甚麼呢? 就做了個閑人..就在一旁觀看...讓後心里一直OS 說好利害..haha.不過解剖的話我因該是可以的啦...不過麻醉或殺青蛙的話我像是不行了...我抓都不敢抓欸...

但是...好不容易挑出來的神經, 竟然沒有反應~!we use a chamber that will stimulate the nerve to produce action potential, which will show the AP peak on the computer. But then when we pass the current throught the nerve, no peak appeared...argh... means the nerve is not working~! OMG... but other groups were not successful as well...最後助教說因為這是第一次用那儀器, 所以沒有result沒關係, 看看下星期的有沒有result...唉...我們做了整整4個小時多的實驗欸...可是還是不成功.不過我還是要說...這裡的學生們比較會獨立的做實驗...NTU真的太spoon-feed我們了...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Day 2 台南縣--月世界

the next day we woke up very early as well...then we meet jiaxian at his fren's hostel at 成功大學..so we go 參觀 the school...

then we took train to 岡山站where we have to change 客運to a place call 田寮...when we alight we were a bit 不知所措..becoz is like those 鄉下...a bit '山卡拉'..only have few houses and provision shops. We were told by the 客運 driver that we need to take a cab to the our destination...月世界...but then how will there be cab for us to take..then in the end one of the 叔叔drive us up to the place...charging us NT$150...is acutally a very short distance...he really earn a lot haha~! When we reached the place we then realised that usually people go there is to eat..coz there are many resturant (almost every) selling 土雞...a bit disappointed at first..so we settled our lunch at one resturant...is famous 招牌菜是豆腐雞...v nice...but it doesnt have taste of tofu...haha..becoz the time is limited (as we need to catch the only客運back to 高雄), so we were a bit rush..but then still manage to catch the beautiful scenery of the moon world...very special place...
how this place come about....

the lake is called 寧靜湖...風景很美...大自然~~~



I dunnoe what is the plants behind...one is one big stretch of it...loks like maize...and very tall...如果身後是一大片的太陽花就好了...
Then back to gaoxiong...End of our trip to 台南...tired but really fun ... hope our next trip is exciting as well~!