Monday, March 19, 2007

Day 1 @ 台南市

Last weekend our singapore gang went to 台南 to explore...finally went to travel outside 高雄...and we went there by train...excited...although I was not the firs time taking 火車. We woke up very early on sat morning as we want to reach 台南 early so that we can travel to more places. So we meet and set off to 火車站at 8am. Then ah gong (JL ) joined us to the trip...he finally can take off hehez...and surprisingly he reached the train station very early, lucky he nv bang seh us haha... and then we board the train...

the journey to 台南 is only about 45 mins...very fast...everyone was zzzing becoz wake up too early...

reached 台南 le... took photos with the train and our destination...didnt buy鐵路便當...too ex time ba..we first checked into hotel to put our things. We booked 漢宮大飯店...6 pple for NT$1600...even cheaper than hostel we lived in taipei...Jiaxian went to her fren's uni hostel to stay for the night...and jl...haha...he賺到了...he stayed in our room...哈哈.. but he have to 打底舖.
our first stop is 赤崁樓, which is near to our hotel. It is one of those famous historical places in 台南市(一級古蹟). This building is left behind by the Holland when 鄭成功(民國英雄) chased them away...and I will not say the details here ...too lazy haha...can check the internet...we were like statue sitting on the rocks haha..花瓶門... There are also different buildings廟、院、閣、祠、殿等各種不同建築雜陳的展示.
At the entrance there is portrait drawing...can complete in 5 minutes...i stayed and watched how he really very fast.. he first sketch the outline of the little girl, then draw out the eyes, shape of the face, nose, lip and hair...很像咧...~
Ate the famous 棺材板 is sold at everywhere in 台南...the toast veri nice and crispy...i like...
after lunch we went to temples nearby..there were also many temples along the street...then到了月老廟求了個福袋...呵呵...裡面還有紅線喔...
好大的冬瓜....and the 冬瓜茶is nice...
after that we took bus to 安平古堡...quite rush becoz it closes at 5pm and we reach there 3 plus...這也是一級古蹟...(btw all these places need entrance fee..but we paid half price with student ID).Acutally there is not much to see so just take few pics there... then on the exit the whole stretch of the street are selling 小吃, tibits, and many other stalls, just like night markets...n we shop along the street haha. then we had dinner at a shop selling 蝦卷...think it is quite famous as many pple were dinner there...n is really veri nice.. I share the 蝦卷with xin rui , coz both of us are allergic to prawn..but then still wanna eat...and order a bowl of 肉燥飯...very cheap...only S$1 a bowl...
Enjoy the photos....

view from the top of the tower...

mayflower 三人行again...

I love sakura....

at night we went to 花園夜士...那晚有寒流..超冷的...不是開玩笑. the night market is located at an open space.. quite different from those i went to before...and it only open at certain days. a lot of food sold there and i finally tried my first 蚵仔煎...還不錯, quite nice...hee.. and then i also tried my first 臭豆腐in my life... 很有勇氣的OK..不過在嘴里咬的時候是不臭的..不過應該不會再吃了吧呵呵...then we saw one stall selling laksa..but then is chinese translate become 邋撒面..omg...we keep luffing and very dirty like that..dunnoe if anyone would like to try when they see the name...haha..and also indian prata..many pple queing for that too...then we went back to hotel and rest...for he next day adventure...

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