Sunday, March 4, 2007

Welcome party for international students

yesterday there was a welcome party for all the international students plus lantern festival celebration (tw pple celeb 15th which is 圆宵). Before that peiling n my ex-roomie go to the dormitory office to change pl n me are officially room mates~! haha...
The party started at 2pm n we were early so we waited outside a 7-11. Actually now is 草莓季莭 everywhere selling strawberry太好了..我的最爱~! when we walked inside 7-11 we were so excited..coz all the like cakes n waffles n cookies; n drinks like yogurt..n even buns got strawberry flavours..haha...n too many to choose we decided to but n try a bit first...but i am sure i will get some more others haha...

this is my strawberry mini-feast heez..the 布丁 is nice...i know tw got a 草莓園在大湖...think quite famous leh...i wanna go`~!! but think need to call and arrange time n muz be a group of dunnoe how many pple...see how ba...

after that we went to the party which is held near the admin building. we first register our names n wrote our names on sticker, and then go 串門子while waiting others to come...but then xinrui they didntgo as they were going 旗津to play fireworks later on.
I got to know another jap gal called kiroko san, v kawaii de ne...
When the welcum party start the dean of OIA n exchange student affairs gave their speech n then there were student ambassadors introduing themselves. I tok to one of them called Rebacca, she has exchanged to japan for one yr, just came back....n she speak jap so well with hiroko they all that i at first thot she is a jap haha ...then she said she just learn there in japan...好羡幕喔~!

Then we started making 汤圆haha...though i dun find it as fasicnating as western students, it is still my first time making haha...but then ...when i tried to wrap the fillings it burst haha then i mend it using the extra dough lolz...一点都不美~! so i didnt eat when they cook all the 汤圆 haha..dunnoe who is the lucky one lolz~!
three of us...middle one is kiroko...coming to study chin (中文系) for one yr i think...

actually 一看就知道中間两个是日本人對嗎?
after we went to the refreshments table many 點心 haha...v nice leh...esp the cakes, n then mingle around again...
photots wif our ex-roomies...the one in black is mine roomie n the other one is pl de...v tall hor pl de roomie...

the next activity was to paint the lantern...can see that some of the westerners are artistic..coz saw a few quite nice...some are haha like 画符haha oppz... but then i didnt paint coz i dun haf any idea wat to paint...n then ermz lazy haha... n dunwan waste the lantern
but then i kapo this from a prof hu painted it..v a bamboo n a prawn...

sunny de lantern is v nice..everyone said that..she painted chrysanthemum...v artistic. and the ger on the left of the right bottom pic, she is a singaporean..but then migrate to holland when she was v young haha... coz she walked pass us and ask when we are from...maybe she find our 'accent' familiar ba haha...then we chat a while..she just lives onelevel up of my room...our asian group is getting bigger n bigger haha. I also got to know a jap guy who speak chinese v well...he has stayed in tw for 1 or 2 yrs ..from tokyo...真系好塞哩啊~! n also from china (they say they are from 大陆) de...but they can onli stay for 120 days n hav to go back exams have to forward for them...
this is garett..from canada...v funny...MBA student...n wanna learn chinese here~he say he is planning to stay here for a v long time n hope to find a wife here lol~!

lastly our big group photo..a bit small hor.. can u find us...haha infront...onli two if us look at our camera while the rest look at the other camera haha ... had enjoyed the party coz sch is starting next week...and think all will be getting buzy ba..n will not hav time to gather tgt..but then...our asian dinner gathering will contiune i think hahaa~!

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