Today attended my first lecture...special topics in plant physiology. We had a hard time finding the clzroom siaz...even ask the students there they dunnoe where is the clzroom..in the end we ask the office of college of sciences...n finally found that the clzroom is actually loacated in another building, where the labs are loacted...n we thot we were late...n pai seh to go in. Luckily we met our prof on the way to the room n told him that we are the exchange student..he was v excited coz he say this was the first time he is gg to teach in eng, n this modues is actually for master prog students..but we were allowed to take that. then when we reach the room there were onli 2 person...the others are late as well...and actually there are onli 7 pple taking this mod, including the two of us...actually today he is not intending to giv lecture...just brief us on wat topics he is gg to teach... n he showed us his teaching materal n ask us to read if we can understand...then u noe wat...we find it v familiar...natural products, secondary metabolites, transgenic tomato, etc hahaa...he took it from the molecular biochemistry of plant (the ref txt we used in plant last sem, not sure if is the correct title). haha means we studied b4...n he say each of us need to present on 2 journals... but then in the end we were unable to take this mod, coz the human resource management timetable clashes wif this mod...but we need the HRM (core mod mah)...so we hav to tell prof tt we cant take tml...feel so bad...coz he seem to be v happy to have singapore exchange students...he say can help him to improve his eng..but he dunnoe that our eng is CMI one lolz..but he is v nice n frendly n v easy going, n v close to the students... heez..so sorry to prof liu la...
n we v sway..we wanna take that HRM which is taught in eng, but then is onli starts at mid-term n thruout the hols...means we cant take... n in the end hav to take that one taought in chin de...cham ar....n we miss the first lect today ( went to plant lect) n we cant find tt lecturer...coz she is from another Uni here de 高雄医大..so she wun be ard after lect time...argh... cant let her sign our course selection sheet...
n that is not all... we went to find all the prof n let them sign on the sheet...n then we found out from the senior that tt entomology lect include disecting 阿蟑...OMG...i really cannot siaz...when i hear liaoz 毛都站起来了...how to disect~!!~...if onli is on lect i still can make it loh ... n they say they wanna collect ah zhang from everywhere siaz... faintz... but then this mod dun haf exam de leh..but too bad... 我真的不行...
after that we went to adming building to pay our hostel fees n finally collected our student ID...haha...好丑喔.... n after that went to sut hair in sch de salon...nv change hair style lah...heez..just 剪薄...after that bank of taiwan to open my account...although sch de post office can open account but they dun accept overseas bank draft...so hav to go other banks...at first when i reach bank of taiwan the manager say cannot one...*faintz* then she called n ask n in the end she say ok.. today realli 碰很多叮子...haiz
finally open my account... the security there v cute de leh...he need to be receptionist also loh...lead me to open account n also tok to us...then he go n tell his colleauges that we are from singapore loh so pai seh...but then...he not bad looking eh lolz~!~!~!~
during dinner time....finally siaz ahaa.. n all the asian students come up to my floor n party~~~hahaha...n made 2 more jap frenz wahhaa.... after dinner we take photos in the room n then keep asking them to teach us jap n korean haha...n we learnt the 三只熊 (in full house de)..can ask me to teach u all okie haha...
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