Sunday, August 24, 2008

~+~moi bIrthDay~*~

how I spent my 12 midnight, mou ren showed me this on my house corridor... composed of white and red-colour painted candles...and winnie the pooh helium balloon tied onto the staircase railing...I finally got my swenson ice cream cake~!! yummy...oreo and sticky chewy choco flavor...

presents from 某人...wanna say...really appreciate your effort and planning, doing all these things behind my back haha....and also you must have a big hole in your pocket le LOLz... and also dinner at ajiteh....arigato~~~

Then in the day had a small celebration with my lab....they will celebrate everyone's bdae every month and birthday boi or gal can get to choose his or her cake of choice....and I chose NYDC choco nice~! and also got a body shop shower gel pack from colleague....thanks thanks~

lastly celebrated with my uni gang and of coz including 4 of us hee.... ate at shokudo....had tiramisu cake from crystal jade.........

got a baby-G watch from them(pl, wl, ali, JV daniel, eng chok, qing hao, kienteck....including kopi gang yuchun, weichong and guizhong.....)thanks thanks...

happy birthday to us....third time celebrating bdae tgt....heez...

had an enjoyable birthday this yr....though is one yr older....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

~*~F.I.R. 第十行星 世界巡迴演唱會~*~

2008年8月8日8pm...好多8.... 就是特別跟難得的一天....還記得去年, 07年7月7日的時候我還在台灣, 那天是去花蓮太魯閣...一年後的今天...就在indoor stadium看FIR 的演唱會....這兩個特別的日子都跟台灣有關, 還有就是都會在這天留下美好的回憶.....開始前先在舞台前自拍....舞台跟以前不太一樣....開始咯.....最喜歡看到的"螢光棒海"

他們一出場坐前面的粉絲就high了, 都站起來...我那邊開始還蠻冷靜的, 不過到後半場也都站起來一起high 了(我門也是, 喊到"沙聲")
飛的第一套服裝...我超喜歡....她真的很美~!哦~! so sweet~~~ 唱天天夜夜...有小牽手....之前就有點打情罵俏了....飛還叫阿沁拿水給她..呵呵...

嘉賓蕭同學....坐在我們後面的jam粉絲們拼命的狂尖叫...super high db loh`!

concert fast.... and actually a lot of songs they nv sing...shld sing all~!~!the encore like no encore loh...becoz they appear on stage very fast haha... took photo with keiko n yy...

MS bowling....

went marina square super bowl on a sat.... not my day coa i lost!!!!! lowest score I had I think....( where is my 122 scores?)

so sad....

Dinner at spagetties... 某人 got a mexican pooh from the 夾娃娃機...for $2...coz dunnoe wat happen to the machine, we put the one dollar coin n got 2 more free ... which I didnt even noe at first~! cute~!

IMCB Dinner and Dance 08

IMCB's first DnD on 1st Aug....I was lucky to be able to attend as the submission deadline was already over when I started work...coz I replaced a colleague in my lab who has left for her phD hee... everyone is going ard taking photos... makes me remind of Grad night DnD siaz...and my luck didnt improve...I didnt win any lucky draw prizes...which include iPod, 500 dollars shoping vouchers, tic to HK....sadded...haha...
photos with LDX mentor xiao xing (she won a iPod!!!!!! super lucky), ronghua, felicia, serene, hui hui and yan xin....

photos with my present lab colleagues dorothy, nicole, jolene, belinda, june...

...(con't) tami, jerlyn, pamela, and si hui....all are very nice to me~!~!~

Table 31....same position as my SBS grad night the right side corner of the stage....