Monday, July 14, 2008

sentosa on Sund@y....

After three weeks' postponing, we finally met and when to sentosa on sunday, jv, bro, rachel, tingfeng, tiantian, daniel (n his gf), liang zhong (n his gf), hw n me, ivy peishan n lynn were there as well...havent been seeing them since the poster presentation...which is 2 months ago...we were buzy toking to each others' 近況 on our way to sentosa, and also asking on those who werent ard tt day.... now I realise that it feels so good to see all your school frenz ....(^p^) ... played volleyball n frisbee....was so tiring ...think I am really getting old le....sadzzzz....
at the monorail station....

the beach is so nice....藍天白雲 twin~! I like her tee haha....

piggyback.....very heavy ar me wahhahaha....

stopped playing the frisbee with here I am hiding in the shade taking shots of the rest playing hehe...

they are energetic~!

me n rachel....
the jumping post wat pl said, me n her are trained in such post in tw ....LOLz....

group photo....sunset....

dinner @ ramen-ten after that....nice background~
really had fun that day.... although is tiring when went back home n have to work next day....but still hope to have such gatherings in future~! thank you organizer~! (^@^)

updates for the past two weeks.......
sat there was a event where TBV actors n actresses come to singapore to promote their dramas....happen to see them on stage in bugis....mainly actors from 溏心風暴....I look forward to their second series....

went to TOP ONE ktv on sat soooo expensive... but the room is quite nice n cosy...the songs are new (I am surprised) and the 點歌系統 is a bit like those in taiwan.... all the buttoms are beside the tv screen ( those went to tw ktv will know wat i mean)...and there is different lighting effects like disco, spotlights etc...and the smoke....omg.... will become suffocating in a small room haha... n also free flow of drinks....

Went IMM last sun for F.I.R concert tic autograph session.... ah qing didnt make it that day for the session...held back at the airport...saddedzzzz~~~

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