Saturday, July 26, 2008

~*~Finally Graduated~*~

Convocation was finally over....felt that it came quickly n went quickly...however I have captured all the moments which will stay in my heart forever...together with memories in the past 4 yrs... in this memorable night.... The last time i wore grafuation gown was in...kindergarden I think...haha...n thanks for the sunflowers n 大口仔 from 某人...I like them so fav flower n the soft toy was bought from cute~~~Arigato.....

My 4 in luv gang reached early b4 the convocation(6pm) to have photo shoots at Yunan garden...

Somebody was happy to wear his "wu zun" style shirt...hehe...Rui rui n some of the TW exchange gang...yao ge ge, mr kwan n da ge....thanks for coming n being our photographer...and also the sunflower ... I certainly will remember the days in yr will be ur turn's convo....jia you ok~~~ My 4 in luv gang...though this name was not created by us...also also made us feel pai seh... but somehow made us feel this 4 yrs we have been going sch tgt, meeting on train , going home tgt, having lunch tgt, shopping, ktv, mahjiong session, steamboat, having "exam betting"treats....etc etc and a lot a lot more... I will miss the days together....n wish u all hae a bright future ahead ok~~~
wat are we doing?...we will miss sch....haha....

at SBS lobby....wanted to take photos at the place we spent most of our was occupied by engin students whom had just finish their ceremony .....
borowed bear bear from jian ting haha....

the bouquet in the middle was given by my ai ren... peiling la hhaha....thanks ger....touched~!(mou ren dun be jealous ok~!)

with Ivy gang..... keep in touch ok~~~
mummy n bro...thanks for coming....esp my bro...coz he was in the middle of his FOC ... hehe...

starting of the ceremony.....Me on stage...was nervous when walking on the stage siaz... *moments of glory*

refreshment after the ceremony....thanks ah li n peter, and yueling for coming... coz it was almost 8pm by then.... many sunflowers.... so happy....
my poly best fren fang ping....thanks for coming...know u nearly lost ur way haha..coz cant find SBS ....heez...
group photos....random photos....

Took photo with Prof Kristen...she is such a nice lecturer and corrdinator (for both FYP n INSTEP exchange prog)...n she said my flower smells nice ...haha more photos with my gang~~~

and my best pal since primary sch...though cant make it to NTU ...but meet me specially at my house downstairs when I reach home ard give me this cute tortise....thanks ger~!

Recollections of all the gifts I happy n touched.... once again thanks to all of make my convocation memorable....forgot to mention the me-to-you- bear was from Australia...send by my son shiwei...thanks a lot~~!

p/s: And also that forever frenz bear bear on the left...某人千辛萬苦買的....thanks wor...appreaciated hee...

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