thursday went to meet zee kiong and catherine (SP senior) as they came to gaoxiong to tour..we meet them at the train station as their hotel is at that area...we brought then to 六合夜市, thought there is nottin much to shop...they only stayed in gaoxiong for less than one day, and setting off to 台中the next day le (as they 跟旅行團)...
from left to right...jason, zee kiong, cat, pei pei n moi~! is an amazing feeling...that u actually meet ur frenz so far away in tw...hehe
played the 投籃幾....哈哈....真得不是很容易咯...我連第一關都過不了...好欄哦~!還輸給佩佩...
今天中午參加了法國人organise的機車環高雄的遊戲...有點像FOC玩過的amazing race...we form a group ourselves and have to complete the taks assigned to us at that specific place....omg...can u imagine...noon time under the hot sun....going ard gaoxiong in scooter~! n dun ever try running on the sand barefooted here....is scorching hot~! we did many other crazy things as well...but then of coz is not as crazy as the other groups...which are v daring and 瘋狂...(a ger in a group running in the field with only her underagarment~! haha...n is evening time when they did the task there...omg there are a lot of other students there~!)other things we are assigned to do are like asking police to drink beer, all 4 pple in the group squeezing in the trolley in carrefour, soaking urself in the love river, doing 猥褻的動作in a shopping center, etc.... but then we decided to 放棄doing some of the tasks coz we really cant do it haha...
my group members...peipei, ocean and max...before setting off...
one of the crazy things we did...holding our flags n stand in the middle of a buzy road (圓環路口)...
After the game is not the end of the day...we have another important mission~~~ that is to giv a birthday surprise to xin rui and sunny (their birthday fall on the same day)...we decided to cook laska for them....so we ask xin rui anata to bring her out, while we starting to prepare the food... 第一次煮還蠻手忙腳亂的....不過我個人覺得還不錯吃...他們說有家的感覺...呵呵...他們不知道我跟婉君在laksa湯背後放了甚麼材料...haha...不過看到他們驚訝的表情, 真的很開心,, 也很感動...大家的心血終於沒白費....欣芮和SUNNY...祝你們生日快樂咯~! played the 投籃幾....哈哈....真得不是很容易咯...我連第一關都過不了...好欄哦~!還輸給佩佩...
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