再次去了恆春, 墾丁
昨天恆春叔叔 (JL 哈哈), "吳克群" , JEREMY跟他的台中朋友駕車到了高雄, 就陪他們逛了夢時代, 新倔江, 愛河. 體會到他們男人的'逛街功力'...我們3個女生都在店外面等他們...amazing right~! (no offense ok hehe...) 到了晚上才會恆春(去了薇薇家過夜)....一路上都很驚險...還好還是平安到達...他們繞進兵營的周圍讓我們看看, 然後帶我們去看恆春有名的'出火'....第二天就去了墾丁...photo with captain jack~! 帥~!~!~!
這個就是出火...我問了很久才弄明白甚麼叫出火....它是個特別景觀, 是因為火是從地上自己燃燒起來的...因為地底有石油, 所以地上的石頭摩擦時就會起火了. 那裡還有一大群人, 在烤爆米花...
看看~! 這麼多人在店外面排隊... 囧~!
看看~! 這麼多人在店外面排隊... 囧~!
在貓鼻頭....那裡風景也很美...白雲, 山, 海....好像一幅畫
跑到岩石上...很硬有很尖呢....要站到懸崖了...呵呵.... (本來想再往前到懸崖邊的, 可是沒人陪我...)
played go-cart...NT$100 for dunnoe how many rounds...stupid JL lee go n bump my cart... very painful loh... IT IS NOT BUMPER CAR okie~! me n pl have after effects loh...poor pei pei sprained her leg, 我的頸跟背都很痛~!
after that we went to hengchun night market to have dinner (steamboat along road side...), and then 逛夜市...the night market is veri big..and only open in weekends... a lot of pple...especially army guys... (coz is near the campsite)...
then we set off to gaoxiong ard 9pm... we intended to take 客運back...but then those cab drivers approached us at the bus station, say is faster to take the cab and no need to wait. At first we insisted that we dont wan, coz a bit scary la..who noes what will happen lol, but then they keep saying n saying, and they can drive us all the way back to school hostel. Becoz if we take 客運to gaoxiong train station we still have to take cab back to sch, so the price is almost the same...so we decided to take the cab loh...haha.. feel that we are really v daring siaz... two gers taking a cab from hengchun to gaoxiong...haha...
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