Sunday, September 23, 2007

cycling @ ECP~!

went cycling at ECP today... is been such a long time since i last cycled there....coz prefer cycling at pulau ubin (coz dun haf so many pple cycling n roller a bit scary...esp with many children there..) so sunny when we reached there.... 我又變黑了~! 囧~~~~ at the jetty....first time went to tt other side of many pple fishing there...n also now then I realise there are many new things at the water ski bar....then saw the pple there...jogging, cycling, bbq-ing, all seem so relax and 悠哉閒哉 i wish to be like them siaz...
watched the sunset at the jetty ...讓我想起西子灣夕陽.....雖然一樣在海邊...但這裡城市化多了..不過還是美的....

but overall i feel so releaxed today... 騎著腳車, 吹著海風....真舒服..能拋開所有心煩的事...(^0^) 真的因該多接觸大自然~~~~呵呵~~~

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