Sunday, February 10, 2008


went to sentosa on 初二...there were soooo many pple n crowded....luckily it didnt rain....the flowers were nice~~~at Imbiah lookout~~

my Fav sunflower~~~
but i dun like giant bees on the scary~~ haha~

look at other flowers ba... some are v nice~

like rice balls....

like this v much~~~ still hav to que for photo taking loh~!

sunflower "ong lai"

年初三...went to JB.... n watched 功夫灌籃....nice~~hehe.... jay is soooo cute ~!

Friday, February 8, 2008


年初一咯....鼠年到了....讓他們跟大家拜個年吧....祝大家新年快樂, 萬事如意, 心想事成~!

昨天去了春到河畔~! 好熱鬧~! 跟前年差不多拉 (去年到台灣了所以沒去)...有大財神, 花燈, 許願池... 不過今年還有煙花, 和機動遊戲....還有很多小吃攤...特別是台灣小吃...雞排, 麵線, 香腸....投讓我想起去年的這個時候才剛到在台灣, 人生地不熟的...如今已經回來了..時間過真快阿~!




Kong Ku Dung event & CNY eve

功夫灌籃的演員來宣傳和參加首映...好多人...又下雨...因為沒近距離看過杰倫...所以就去了 哈哈... Jay playing 投籃機...呵呵...

chinese new yr eve...lab photo taking and all in red~!.... the one in front always has this post.... lolz...a bit spoil the pic (oppz sorry to ks lolz~!)

Me & my ai ren....with serene behind trying to post but head being cut off haha~!